Unpaid Taxes
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Efficiency through Automation!

Because of advancements in our technology, we are able to communicate with the IRS electronically, its as if we are in the same office! Faster service and more cost effective!

Our Money Back Guarantee!

If you are not happy with our tax services within the initial 21 days, we will give you a 100% refund of services rendered, no questions asked!

Price Match Guarantee

You find it, we will match it! Tax Alliance will match and beat (by 10%) any competitive offer. Contact our office today and receive a free no obligation tax consultation.

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🕒 Mon - Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
✉️ info@taxalliance.com
📞 1.800.987.3051
🏢 2002 E. McFadden Avenue, Suite 110, Santa Ana, CA 92705
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Current Call Wait Time: Under 5 Seconds
Average Form Response Time: Under 30 Minutes

Efficiency through Automation!

Because of advancements in our technology, we are able to communicate with the IRS electronically, its as if we are in the same office! Faster service and more cost effective!

Our Money Back Guarantee!

If you are not happy with our tax services within the initial 21 days, we will give you a 100% refund of services rendered, no questions asked! We help our clients nationwide!

Price Match Guarantee

You find it, we will match it! Tax Alliance will match and beat (by 10%) any competitive offer. Contact our office today and receive a free no obligation tax consultation.

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What to Do When You Can't Pay Your Taxes: CNC in Irvine

The blog post provides a comprehensive guide on how to apply for Currently Not Collectible (CNC) status with the IRS if you're experiencing financial hardship and unable to pay your taxes. It outlines the eligibility criteria, required documentation, and detailed steps for the application process. The post also explores other payment options and how Tax Alliance can assist in managing tax debt and securing CNC status.

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Optimizing Your Retirement Contributions for Tax Benefits in Los Angeles

This blog post explores effective strategies for optimizing retirement contributions to maximize tax benefits in Los Angeles. It details various retirement accounts like 401(k)s, Traditional and Roth IRAs, and their respective tax advantages. The article also covers the importance of maximizing contributions, employer matching, tax-efficient withdrawals, and diversifying retirement funds for financial security and tax efficiency.

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Navigating IRS Audits: Preparation Tips for Businesses in Long Beach

This blog post outlines essential preparation tips for businesses in Long Beach facing IRS audits. It discusses the types of IRS audits, the importance of maintaining accurate financial records, reviewing tax returns, understanding the audit's scope, and the benefits of professional assistance. The post also offers strategies for effectively communicating with the IRS and handling discrepancies during the audit process.

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Learn More About How We Can Help You
With Our Tax Resolution Services

Offer in Compromise

With Tax Alliance's help, it may be possible to wipe your tax debt clean at an enormous discount. If you qualify for an Offer in Compromise, or “OIC,” the IRS will accept less than the amount a taxpayer owes on a tax bill and call it even.

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Release of IRS Bank Levy

IRS Bank Levies are generally released when you pay off your tax debt. Depending on the situation, we can appeal and have the IRS release a levy. If the levy would create an extreme financial hardship for you, the IRS may hold off on collecting, but the debt will still exist.

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Penalty Abatement

With our help first-time penalty abatement (FTA) is possible and is the process by which the IRS agrees to remove penalties from your tax debt. That includes penalties for failure to file, failure to pay, and failure to deposit. The IRS may also remove interest related to those penalties.

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Audit Protection

Audit protection shields you from the dangers and stress of dealing with the IRS (or a state tax agency) on your own.

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